Monday, January 21, 2008
Our PC Kicked the Bucket!
It's been a long time coming. I knew our home computer was on its last leg months ago. I kept telling my husband something was wrong with it. He kept brushing it off, saying it was fine. Yesterday, it officially died! I was in the middle of making an online purchase from Old Navy, when the screen went blank - like the power went out. At first, I thought my husband tripped a breaker while working downstairs in the basement. But after trying to restart the computer several times, I realized quickly he had nothing to do with it! I kept getting the dreaded black screen with white writing, asking if I wanted to restart Windows normally, or in Safe Mode. I tried every option given, all with the same conclusion - a black screen. My computer is fried like a french fry. Luckily, I had good sense to see this coming. I backed up important files and all photos saved on my hard drive about a month ago. Here is the
one problem I did not foresee...I lost all of my email addresses. Didn't think of
that one, now
did I? Notice the above picture, illustrating my frustration in this situation.
Not because my computer died (I was ready to replace it months ago! My husband accused me of praying for its death.). But because I've lost my email addresses! So if you would be kind enough to drop me an email with the much needed info, I would appreciate it! I can still access my email account from my laptop...just not my address book. Thanks!
Betty had this to say:
Oh wow that sucks! Are you going to get a new computer? Thank god you have your laptop. I'd be lost without my computer :o)
- 9:39 AM
Brooke had this to say:
I feel your pain! When mine got hit with a virus I had no computer AND no router for my laptop for a big three weeks. That's the worst!
- 2:09 PM
Kelly in NC had this to say:
Doooy....the e-mail addresses! What a mess!
- 8:26 PM
Jacqueline had this to say:
That stinks! I have a computer guy - if you want to get it fixed. He's amazing and he charges half price for teachers. I am in the market for a new computer now. I just do not have enough room on mine anymore. Good luck!
- 12:37 PM
had this to say:
that stinks! I don't know what I'd do if I lost addresses, etc... kinda like losing a cell phone!
Have a great week/weekend!
- 4:34 PM
Chatty had this to say:
I got that feeling in my gut when mine died, so I know how you feel. I went through more PCs in the short time I left the Mac world, than all the Macs I've owned in my life. I am never going back. Come join me! ;)
- 5:23 PM
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