Wednesday, February 01, 2006
My Baby Turns 4...Or is it 14?

Sunday was K-Bugg's fourth birthday. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. It feels like yesterday, that I held her in my arms at the hospital. I can still picture her face as she looked up at me while I fed her for the first time. I thought her eyes were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Sometimes, I look at her now - and can't believe she is mine. I wonder if she knows just how much I love her. I wish I had the words to describe the feelings I have for her. She is my world.

Recent comments from K-Bugg:

As I attempted to get K-Bugg motivated to get up and get dressed for school on Friday, I mentioned that she was having her "school birthday party today" (cupcakes). Knowing she was having her "real" birthday party on Sunday at the gymnastics center, she asks, "I get to have two birthdays?" "Yes," I tell her. She then replies, "You mean I'll be four today at my school party - and five at my gymnastics party?"

K-Bugg loves soda! If she gets her hands on one, she "chugs" it like she's in a contest at a frat party! This is probably due to the fact that we limit her intake of soft drinks. This weekend, we had a few "Sprites" in the refrigerator for her birthday party. She decided she wanted one, but didn't ask first. When I caught her in the frig trying to open one, I said, "No ma'am. You do not need a Sprite. You can have milk or juice." "But I want it, Mommy" she says. I tell her, "No...You can have milk or juice instead." While standing in the refrigerator door, she drops to her knees, throws her hands in the air and replies, "YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND ME, MOM!"

After picking K-Bugg up from school today, I begin to ask her about her day as we drive home. It went something like this:
NaeNae: "Did you play in centers today?"
K-Bugg: "I don't know."
NaeNae: "What did you have for lunch?"
K-Bugg: "I don't know!"
NaeNae: "You don't remember?"
(What is this child's problem?...I think to myself.)
NaeNae: "I'm ruining your life? How am I ruining your life?"
K-Bugg: "You're always asking me questions! I don't want you to ask me any questions!"
NaeNae: "Okay...fine!"

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

She is way funny! and I am glad that I was able to attend her party. I can't believe how big she has gotten. She always surprises me with her witty comments. Where does she get that stuff from???

10:23 PM 

Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:

Her and Kaiden could be sisters. Kaiden NEVER wants to talk about her day!

This week so far I have been a "promise-breaker" and a "fun-sucker" She is such a joy!

8:32 AM 

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I am a mother, wife and full-time teacher, with a very sassy little girl (daughter 1) on my hands and another one following in her footsteps (daughter 2). And I wonder where the gray hairs are coming from?

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