Monday, March 19, 2007
Again...Where do I begin?!

Let's start with Ella! She turned 11 months old 2 weeks ago! She is pretty much walking all over the place! She still "cruises" on the furniture, walls, etc. - but gets brave and takes off across the room whenever she pleases. Most of the time, her little legs won't take her as fast as she wants to move, so she ends up falling half way across the room. Thanks to her big sister, Ella "talks" non-stop! She has added "Mommy," "Daddy," and "Oreo" to her vocabulary (Oreo is MawMaw's dog). I mentioned last month that she prefers to self feed. She has "graduated" to actually biting pieces off and chewing her food into small pieces. She had her first chicken nugget this weekend at the beach (more on that later). In two weeks, she will be one year old!

Now, for my BIG girl! Kellynn went to Kindergarten registration to sign up for school next year. I can't believe my "first baby" is going to school. (She makes me call her my "first baby" because she's adament about NOT being a baby. She reminds me that ELLA is the baby!) She also has her first wiggly tooth! She has been so excited about the possibilty of the Tooth Fairy coming! I catch her constantly wiggling that tooth. She asked me tonight what happens to baby teeth after they fall out. I sensed a little hesitation about loosing the tooth. It could possibly be my fault since I brought home a children's "Weekly Reader" about loosing baby teeth. It had a diagram of a tooth. She wanted to know what the "red" part was (pulp), and asked if her tooth would bleed. I told her it might, but just a little. And that the Tooth Fairy keeps baby teeth that fall out - to give to new babies. She said she was, "okay with that."

And on a famiy note...We went to Myrtle Beach this weekend. Kevin wanted to go to a car show that is hosted there every year. This was our first time attending. I have a feeling we will be going every year now. We had a great time! Kevin went to the car show on both Friday and Saturday. Of course, he had to leave early in the morning so he didn't miss a single thing! I, on the other hand, didn't need to be there both days - and definitly didn't need to wake up at the crack of dawn on my mini-vacation! After sleeping in both days, I went shopping at the new mall on Friday with the "girls" (my girly crew, MawMaw, Kevin's Aunt Judy, cousin Jennifer and her children). We did some more shopping on Saturday and then headed over to the car show for the last couple of hours.


Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:

Man, "2nd Baby" is getting so big!!!

Kaiden's bottom teeth should be wobbly anytime now.

Sounds like a fun mini-vacation - I wish I could even get one of those in.

Have you heard from Kerry? We have not even gotten any update emails lately.

10:23 AM 

Blogger Amanda had this to say:

Ella looks like she is tall. Samantha is pretty tall too. I forgot how it was to have a newly walking child- they run into everything.

8:55 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

I would love to visit Myrtle Beach.
Haley has lost 3 teeth but only two teeth came in in their place. Those 2 teeth took upp all the room. She is 5 1/2 and her 6 year molars are coming in. They grow way too fast.
Mason is 16 1/2 months and still bumbles around like he is unsure of his feet unless he has something that he is not allowed to play with. In that case he moves like lightning.
Your babies are beautiful!

12:31 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Love the pictures of the girls....and of course the car show too! I can't beleive how fast they grow!

6:12 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Adorable pictures - we loved spending time with the girls this weekend! Have fun with Ella's first birthday - wish we could be there!!!!!

8:06 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

LOVE the pictures. Your girls are absolutely beautiful! Doesn't time fly once you have kids! Oh my!!
Looks like fun in Myrtle Beach-- that's where Joe and I got married. Seems like so long ago. We need to go back and visit!

9:18 PM 

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I am a mother, wife and full-time teacher, with a very sassy little girl (daughter 1) on my hands and another one following in her footsteps (daughter 2). And I wonder where the gray hairs are coming from?

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