Saturday, December 30, 2006
Nine Months

Today, Ella is nine months old. It's hard to believe she will be a year old in three more months! She has grown so much. Everyday she amazes me with the new things she can do (or is attempting to do). She currently has 5 teeth, with one more on the way. She loves to eat, but prefers to feed herself. Because of this, it's hard to give her baby food anymore. She gets mad if you try to spoon feed her. Therefore, I give her Gerber "puffs" for self-feeding, and sneak in the baby food between each bite. Ella really enjoys table food. She will pretty much eat anything you put in front of her. This morning she tried cinnamon rolls for the first time. She loved them!

Other things Ella is doing right now:
* Pulling up on everything
* Giving herself nice bruises and "knots" from pulling up (and falling down)! She hasn't mastered getting down yet.
* Crawling on her hands and knees (instead of doing the military crawl)
* Getting into a sitting position on her own
* Babbling all the time! We're convinced she mimicked us telling her, "No, no!" the other night. She tries to repeat sounds we make.
* Waving bye-bye (This is also her way of saying hello.)
* Objects (with a fit) when things are taken away

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Happy 9 months Ella! You are getting to be a very big girl! I love this photo iwth the two front teeth!

4:56 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Grace has the same outfit she has on! How fun!! :-)
She is so cute, getting so big! time flies doesn't it?

2:48 PM 

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I am a mother, wife and full-time teacher, with a very sassy little girl (daughter 1) on my hands and another one following in her footsteps (daughter 2). And I wonder where the gray hairs are coming from?

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