Saturday, February 24, 2007
What's Next?

First - Ella somehow contracted a virus called, "Hand, Foot and Mouth disesase" two weekends ago. It sounds worse than it is. It's just a childhood virus children can get (like Chickenpox or Measles). It gives painful blisters/ulcers in the mouth, on the throat, on the hands and feet. Ella only had them in her mouth and throat. Unfortunately, she missed our family skiing trip because of it.

Next - K-Bugg got Pink Eye last weekend. We battled Pink Eye for 4 days. She wouldn't stop rubbing her eyes - which as most moms know, will only reinfect the eyes. Fun, fun!

And finally - I am once again stuck at home for the weekend due to Ella having a double ear infection. She started running a fever yesterday afternoon. **UPDATE - As of 4:00 today, she now has Pink Eye too!

Oh! I almost forgot! I was also lucky enough to be selected for jury duty! I was supposed (notice I said supposed) to be in court this past Monday to serve on a jury. DId I show up? NO! I completely forgot about it! Did you know you can be charged with, "Failure to Appear" and receive a fine for not showing up? I freaked out when I read this information on the letter! And it didn't help any, with my husband saying things like, "Who are you going to make your one phone call to?" - or (talking to our daughter) "Give Mommy a big kiss when she drops you off at school today. This might be the last time you see her for awhile." He also enjoyed calling me a "convict." Anyway...I was lucky, because it turns out that they didn't need me anyway! The Jury Coordinator told me not to worry about it. Whew! I was sweating that one out!

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

So sorry that the family's going through a round of illness. And very very sorry that Miss Ella couldn't be with us during our weekend of skiing. :( She was sorely missed! I am however grateful that Kellyn's pink-eye came AFTER our trip skiing. Guess we dodged that bullet! :)

11:03 AM 

Blogger Especially Heather had this to say:

Oh wow! You poor thing! I hope your week gets better (As well as your kids!)

I lost your blog somehow, but it is so good to find you again!


8:04 PM 

Blogger Angelle had this to say:

Hand, Foot, and Mouth has been making its way around my neighborhood. I guess I have been lucky that Leah hasn't gotten it yet. Sorry Ella is so sick. Hope she is feeling better soon!

8:01 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Hope everyone is doing better...sounds like hell!

9:27 PM 

Blogger Jordan McKenzie had this to say:

I hate to hear that my baby cousins are not feeling well but glad to announce that you indeed are on the path to becoming the first convict in our immediate family. And I thought peyt peyt would be the lucky one.

12:03 PM 

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I am a mother, wife and full-time teacher, with a very sassy little girl (daughter 1) on my hands and another one following in her footsteps (daughter 2). And I wonder where the gray hairs are coming from?

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