Sunday, January 18, 2009
911...Vet Emergency

Last night, Shelby - The Super Dog, gave us a scare. Somehow, she hurt her leg/foot and wouldn't walk on it at all. Being the good dog she is, she never cried or whined about the injury. I didn't even realize she was hurt until she wouldn't get up and kept giving me the "sad, puppy dog" eyes. When I made her get up, she limped around, not wanting to put her foot down. She let me look at it and move it around, without a single whimper. We watched her for about an hour, then decided to take her to the emergency vet when she still refused to walk. Before leaving for the vet's office, we took Shelby out for one last chance to use the bathroom. A miracle happened. One minute she couldn't walk on her foot - the next minute she is running around like there was nothing wrong! By the time we got back into the house, there was no sign that her leg had ever been injured. Weird!

Blogger Jack and Molly's Mom had this to say:

Probably slipped something out of place - like her knee joint or ankle. This used to happen to Hannah a lot, like a kink somewhere then all the sudden it would work itself out. Sometimes it would last more than a day or two though, and the vet gave us doggie-advil to help with an inflamation. It helped.

3:40 PM 

Blogger Angelle had this to say:

That is so strange. I have never heard of that before.

8:04 PM 

Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:

Maybe she had pins & needles.... I sure hate that.

9:36 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

It happens to my dogs quite a bit. Sometimes they'll catch a nail on their beds and that'll do it, other times they'll step on something and it will get in between their paw pads.

10:31 AM 

Blogger Kelly in NC had this to say:

Just be thankful you didn't have to pay that vet bill! I'm glad that she's ok!

10:01 PM 

Blogger Betty had this to say:

She probably had a little sprain! She's such a cute dog!

9:32 AM 

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I am a mother, wife and full-time teacher, with a very sassy little girl (daughter 1) on my hands and another one following in her footsteps (daughter 2). And I wonder where the gray hairs are coming from?

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