Sunday, December 10, 2006
I'm Still Here...

Wow! Where has the time gone?! I can't believe I haven't posted since Halloween! I really need to get on the ball. So here is a quick update on what's been going on around here:

1. We had thanksgiving at our house this year. Usually we drive to Florida for the holiday, but decided to stay here since we were just down there in July. We had a great time with our "North Carolina" family and friends. I made my first turkey ever. It was great, thanks to Kate's recipe!

2. Ella is 8 months old now. She is crawling all over the place! It's more of a "military" crawl - but of course Kevin calls it the "Marine" crawl. Whatever it is, Ella is on the go around the clock. I'm not sure she will ever crawl the "normal" way (on her hands and knees), because she is already starting to put forth some effort into pulling up. She almost pulled up in her crib tonight. Ella is also cutting more teeth. She started with two on the bottom about two months ago. Then she got two top teeth a month later - but not the ones in the middle. Now the two in the middle are trying to poke their way through her gums. They should make an appearance in the next day or two. I will be glad when they do because Ella has been fus-sy! She is also putting those new teeth to work! She loves eating table food! If we are eating, she wants to be eating too. She likes broccoli, green beans, mashed potatoes,and chicken. So far, the only thing she has turned her nose up to - is grits.

3. Kellynn was the flower girl in a wedding last weekend. She looked so beautiful - not to mention, GROWN UP! Where did my baby go?! She couldn't wait to wear her "wedding dress" and get her hair done like Cinderella. She did a great job! Afterwards, she danced the night away at the reception. I wish I had her energy! On a different note, my Dad surprised us and came up for the wedding. It was good to see him and Tracy.

4. Christmas is two weeks away, and I'm not in the mood to go Christmas shopping. Seeing how I have LOTS of shopping left to do, I spent the weekend doing some online shopping. I hope my gifts make it before Christmas!

5. Kevin has a new job. He is still with the same company - just in a different position. So far, the atmosphere at his new job is "laid back." This is great for him (and me), since he used to come home stressed out everyday! Unfortunately, he is gone right now. He was sent to Atlanta for four days of training. We will miss him.

6. This Wednesday is approaching too slowly. It's the day final scores are released for National Boards. I hope I passed. If not, I have one more year to try again (and bank points). Otherwise, it's back to the drawing board to do the entire thing over again! I don't want to go there! I'm getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it! Wish me luck!

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Finally a post. Did you know that I have been waiting since Halloween for this?? I guess on a positive note, if you wait a month & a half to post, then you will have plenty to write about. Also, do you have any photos from Thanksgiving?? and Jill's wedding?? I need to decide on scrapbooking photos!

9:22 PM 

Blogger Jack and Molly's Mom had this to say:

Yay!!!! She's still alive! :) Good luck for Wednesday!

8:15 AM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Well, it sounds like you are a busy Mom & wife! Happy Holidays and good luck with the Christmas shopping. :) Love always, Kristan

9:08 PM 

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I am a mother, wife and full-time teacher, with a very sassy little girl (daughter 1) on my hands and another one following in her footsteps (daughter 2). And I wonder where the gray hairs are coming from?

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