Friday, November 04, 2005
"I don't love you anymore, Mommy!"

Originally uploaded by naenae32.

What is it with 3 (almost 4) year olds? Everything turns into an argument. After picking up my daughter from daycare, the following conversation occurs while driving home...

NaeNae: "How was school today?"

K-bugg: "I'm not talking...I'm quiet today."

NaeNae: "You're QUIET today?

K-bugg: "Yes! I don't want to talk today...but I'll talk to Daddy when he gets home."

NaeNae: "Okay...maybe you need some quiet time to yourself."

Silence...5 minutes later

NaeNae: "K-bugg, we have to clean up when we get home today. MawMaw is coming to visit."

K-bugg: "But I don't want to."

NaeNae: "Well, I'm sorry. You have to pick up your books and toys in the living room."

K-bugg: "I'm not cleaning up...(whine)"

NaeNae: "Well...I guess you will have to sit in time out until you decide to pick up your toys."

K-bugg: "I don't love you anymore, Mommy. You're mean to me!"

Where did this come from? How does such a little girl know how to push my buttons at 3 years old? She won't talk to ME, but will talk to her DAD. And she knows how to really get to me, by saying she doesn't love me (even though I don't let her know). Is this typical for all 3/4 years olds?

Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:

Oh my dear, dear friend - this is only the beginning! It gets worse before it gets better. My friend Nadine told me to hold out for 5, cause that is when they become sweet again!

6:52 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

If you think this is bad, wait until she is 13! Yikes!
On a more positive note, you could celebrate her emotional growth. She is definitely working through developing her own independence... and how to manipulate her environment to get what she wants. These "attitudes" can be thought of as signs of "intelligence"..or at least that is what you can tell yourself to make it easier to sleep at night!

5:36 PM 

Blogger cmhl had this to say:

let me tell you, I have a 4 year old daughter, and she know EXACTLY what to do to push my buttons. my so-- I could talk him into anything I wanted to, and he really didn't whine. my daughter---- ahhhhh, she can't talk without it being in a whine. let me know if you figure it out!

9:48 PM 

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

enjoy it while you can , (attitude and all)... one day you will look back at this and laugh and cry at the same time and wonder where your little girl with the attitude went... of course by then you will have the (teen with the tude). love ya Maggie in statesville

1:43 PM 

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I am a mother, wife and full-time teacher, with a very sassy little girl (daughter 1) on my hands and another one following in her footsteps (daughter 2). And I wonder where the gray hairs are coming from?

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